Saint-Martin Chess Championship at the Yellow Sub : Suspense and conviviality
Dear chess and conviviality lovers, don’t miss the Saint-Martin Blitz Championship which will be held on Sunday April 2 at 2:30 pm at the Yellow Sub restaurant, located in Orient Bay. This event will bring together fans of the game of rapid chess for an afternoon rich in suspense and emotion.
The championship will be played in seven rounds, each of which will be two 10-minute rounds. Open to both adults and youth, the event already has 30 registered participants. In the absence of the defending champion, the competition promises to be very exciting. Among the serious contenders for the title are Milo Scheeren, Dawid Baszak and Yashwant Vaswani.
Thanks to the support of generous sponsors, including Amber Hair Salon, Captain Frenchy, Chez Fernand, Dock 46, HomSaga, King Jouet, Le Pizza Club, Le Télégraphe, Malongo, McDonald’s, Océan 82, Pomponette, Rainbow Café, Sérigraphix, Super U and la Boutique du Tabac, many prizes will be offered during this event. So who will win and succeed the current champion?
To participate in this unique and friendly event, registration is required.
Contact the referee at to register and join the competition.
See you at the Yellow Sub for an afternoon of blitz chess with suspense and good humor!